CTCS 2018第四届“突变”中国企业差旅合规高峰论坛




Sponsored by Broadway Consulting the supplier of the domestic real war Business Information and Industry Summit, the Fourth "Breaking" China Corporate Travel Compliance Summit (CTCS) will be held on March 23,2018 with grand opening in Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao

主办机构: Summit Organizer;


Huodong021; Club Share Lu;  Broadway Consulting;


Brief introduction:

近年来差旅管理也俨然成为企业财务成本控制的热门话题。 在国家新一轮创新服务升级及行业大合并之后,差旅供应商愈发关注技术变革所带来的用户体验改进,以及效率的提升,VR、人工智能和机器人等技术的运用与发展成为一股不可小觑的力量,如何走向下一个巅峰?本次峰会将带给您全新的差旅理念!

In recent years, corporate travel management has also become a hot topic in the financial cost control of enterprises. After a new round of national innovation service upgrading and industry merging, corporate travel suppliers are now paying more attention to improve user experiences brought by technological changes, enhancement of the efficiency, application and development of VR, artificial intelligence and robot technology has become an essential power, how to reach the next peak? This summit will bring you a new idea of corporate travel.


The first three sessions of the China Corporate Travel Management Summit" has witnessed the positive feedback from foreign-funded enterprises in China, domestic group companies, large state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, currently enterprises in China are in urgent need to be improved by the systems, procedures, and internal compliance management, to set corporate travel as one of the long-term developments of the enterprise strategy. How to simplify the travel management process, to achieve full automation, how to control the budget in a reasonable range are all the problems we need to solve at present. How do local TMC companies show the advantage of technology and service? How to control the explicit and hidden costs of corporate travel? How to provide customized local services? How do enterprises select quality supplier resources? You will find the answer at this summit! The summit will be presented with the concept of new conference, panel discussion, off-site experience, high-quality resource recommendation, award presentation, conference, training and docking.

论坛参会代表:采购部 ︳人力资源 ︳ 财务部 ︳CXO ︳公关部 ︳市场部 ︳风险合规部门 ︳法务部门 ︳行政部门 ︳等超过200位总监以上级别的企业高管嘉宾将会参加本次两天的全部会议;

Summit participants: Purchasing Department, human resources, financial department, CXO, public relations department, marketing department, legal department, risk compliance departments, administrative departments, etc. more than 200 executives above the level of the director of corporate will attend the two-day meeting.


Part of the presentation topics


Global corporate travel industry trends


Explore the new ideas of corporate travel management under the background of artificial intelligence


Focus on key industry strategy and practice case analysis


Best practice sharing of top international corporate travel management companies


Analysis of the whole process of corporate travel policy making


How to make corporate travel compliant in current environment in China


The focus of financial managers on the choice of TMC


“Full process" corporate travel service has become a global trend


Corporate travel management in the eyes of the financial managers


This event will help you to solve the following questions:


A large numbers of high-quality supplier resources docking; how to implement the company's meeting award policy better; how does the procurement department reduce procurement costs and be more compliant? How to make the progress of reconciliation more convenient? The case studies of corporate top travel management companies; how to build an effective corporate travel management system? How to do corporate travel security management? How to evaluate your TMC suppliers? How do you manage your suppliers?

赞助商机会Sponsor Opportunities:


Drive home your message - limited speaking slots available


 Showcase your solution and services with an exhibition booth by one-to-one meeting


Long term branding with delegate documentations


Premium branding opportunities to provide significant market exposure


As exhibition spaces and speeches are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. They're booking NOW!


If you need to learn more about the summit, please contact Broadway Consulting Shanghai for details.


Hotline: 021-51097295

Email: kevin.li@bwcoaching.cn


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